• Romantic trip with a rental car
  • Prešernov dan
    Cultural trip by car
  • Pustovanje v Sloveniji
    Carnival in Slovenia
  • Najem-avtombila-zimske-pocitnice-min
    Why rent a car for your winter holidays?
  • Delovni čas
    Holiday Business Hours
  • 10 Tips for safe driving
    10 Tips for safe driving
  • Kaj storiti v primeru prometne nesreče z najetim avtomobilom?
    What to do in case of a rental car accident?
  • Things you need to know
    Are you planning a trip to Slovenia for the first time? Things you need to know
  • Septembrski dogodki
    September events in Slovenia that you should not miss
  • Dolgoročni ali kratkoročni najem avtomobila
    Short term or long term car rental in Slovenia?