Free2rent doesn’t just provide you with a vehicle rental but rather transforms the way you think about mobility and helps you create new and exciting experiences. We provide you with high-quality mobility services and strive for the best-performed activity in the shortest possible time.

Why choose Free2Rent?

We are a company with a vision that offers car rental or passenger vehicles and vans and trucks. We provide a diverse selection of cutting-edge automobiles to meet your specific requirements.

Our services

  • ● Short-term rental of a car, van or truck
  • ● Long-term rental of a car, van or truck
  • ● Business rental of vehicles with comprehensive services (all inclusive)
  • ● Fleet management
  • ● Mobility consulting
  • ● Transportation
  • ● Insurance
onujamo vam dnevni, tedenski, mesečni ali letni najem avtomobila ali kombija oz. tovornega vozila, ter poslovni najem vozila. Širok spekter vozil ter fleksibilen termin najema. Dostava vozil na dogovorjeno mesto ob dogovorjenem času. Poslovalnice Ljubljana in Celje.


Our mission is to enable people and companies to have friendly and flexible mobility, which can reduce your transport costs. We offer a wide selection of vehicles and customized mobility. Our strategy is based on the principle of sustainable development as well as flexibility and comfort for our clients.


Every day we strengthen our position as one of the leading car rental companies in Slovenia. We achieve our goals by strengthening long-term business connections and partner relationships in the field of mobility.


Our most important values are speed and flexibility. We have a wide range of knowledge, we are capable, innovative and resourceful. Our goal is to be the first – not only in sales, but also in discovering new demands on the market. We achieve this with services adapted to individual needs.

Partnership and trust

At Free2rent, we cultivate positive interpersonal relationships that serve as the foundation for a respectful approach toward our business partners, consumers, and suppliers. Healthy and open connections are essential for corporate success.

Kreativnost in učinkovitost

Vzdušje, ki ga ustvarjamo v našem podjetju vodi k vrhunskim rezultatom. Zaposleni v Free2rent podjetju smo ustvarjalni, inovativni ter motivirani za nove ideje. Skupaj iščemo rešitve za zadovoljstvo napih strank.